Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello, my name is Laura, and I'm addicted to...

Vacations. I love going on vacation, it doesn't matter if it's a weekend away in Fargo, or a full out getaway' I love going away. It's that time of the year gin, where I get the itch. The itch to escape te everyday, pack up and get the heck out of this place. The sad part is, this year we are on staycation mode, which is killing me, literally I die just a little bit every time someone mentions "we're going away". It's very hard not to plan a mini vacay to the states for Feburary long weekend...let's not even talk about...Spring Break, only 58 more days, but whose counting? I am my own worst enenmy, I am subscribed to. Ery travel website email, twitter, Facebook page so I am constantly being updated with great deals and temptations, so I ask myself Why do you not unsubscribe? Well, I am fully convinced the longer you stay on a "list" the better deals they send you, I'm am sure this is a false belief, BUT the superstitious person in me, will not unsubscribe...just in case it is true and not an urban legend of good deals. My friends I will need help fighting these temptations, especially if LottoMax doesn't pay up on Friday...still playing off the free ticket I got at Christmas :). Gotta be a sign right, my ships about to come in? Have a great Thursday everyone!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

13th Birthday Extravaganza!!

So my sweet Katrina will trade in her pre teens years and collect her I am a teen badge, in just over a week. This Friday night, My house will play host to 9 girls for Katrina's 13th Extravaganza!! We will be doing a Mall Scavenger Hunt, so fun!! My my favorite bonus hunt question... What hot beverage store, serves a London Fog, find it and bring back a napkin with the price of an extra large written on it. So fun...this is just a glimpse of what the questions for the hunt will be like. After that, we will head back to our house for pizza and a cookie cake tht looks like a pizza...YummY!! Then as traditions go, the girls will watch movies, this years movies of choice; 13 going on 30 and Monte Carlo. The swag bags are ready...the bag, i love! Stuff inside, meh...not my favorite but I did as requested, went to Ardenes and bought surprise bags to spit among the girls with added fillers. Swag bags are usually my thing, the reason why I do what I do, when it ones to a party...this kid getting older,and wanting more control thing...I don't like it :). I found these fabulous Barbie enviro bags to house the swag, they say "everything is fabulous in pink"... I totally agree Barbie! The prizes for the winning team of the Scavenger hunt are DVD's, each one is one of Katrina's favorite movies. Titles include: The Notebook, 13 going on 30, 17 Again an Cinderella Story. I can't wait for the party!! Seeing Katrina's face light up as the whole evening unfolds makes it all worth it!! Welcome to your teens my sweet baby girl!! I love you xoxo

Friday, January 20, 2012

Siloam Mission and the Lady Bug foundation

These two organizations often work together, and we have choose them as our Pay It Forward project this month. Chloe's school hosts a lady bug sock hop every year and all proceeds go to the Siloam mission in conjunction with the Lady Bug foundation. They also accept item donations, such as wool socks, hats, mitts, and scarfs for the homeless. We will be taking our donation money ($35 so far) and we will be going and getting a load the needed items and taking them to Chloe's school where they will be taken and given to Siloam Mission and given to those in need at the homeless shelter. With winter finally here, I am sure they will be great appreciated. Still working on the volunteer portion, most places don't allow children of Chloe's age to now I need to get creative. If you have any ideas, would love to hear them :). Have a blessed day!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome Kelly to the bock!!

This is a very special Welcome for me...this is one of my oldest friendships still alive today :)... Please welcome, Kelly to the space ladies!! I am so happy to have her here!! She is an amazing Mom, great wife, world traveler and a super scientist!! There are not many memories from grade 5-12, that do not include her! Thanks to good old Facebook we were able to reconnect!! I hope you enjoy reading and we seriously must have that Skype date very soon!! Xoxo

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So, what's your goals? I have that 365 thing going on over there and I thought...well heck let's all say ONE goal, something we really want to accomplish ths year, and might need some help with, when we find ourselves at a crossroads of success or failure. It's sad,we often set our self up to fail, before we even begin, I am no better. I am usually writing a list of excuses why I can't cheat or bail before the gun has even gone off. It's just too hard, but I have come 30's have made me very wise :)... Anything worth doing or having is DAMN hard work. You appreciate it so much more when the goal is achieved and you kne YOU are the soul reason it was accomplished!! So my friends...What is something you want to accomplish in 2012? My Goal: Get my house organized and stop justifying why a junk closet in every room is acceptable :).

Project 365...

Ok...let me strip this down to reality for you and me... Project 365, I gather is the list of 365 things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months. I have scanned the other ladies blogs who are taking part in this and it is not limited to just creative goals...which is a bonus for me cause I had a hard time get 4 a month done last year, creatively speaking. So I basically need to accomplish 30 things a month, which is everyday. I already checked, getting up doesn't count :). So, I kinda am a person who procrastinates, my first goal will be to procrastinate less! Wow, easy only 364 more to go!! I want to finish my Disney/Florida trip of 08, finish Vegas 09, start Niagara Falls 10, complete Florida 11 and do my own book of Nashville for myself. I already did one as a Christmas gift for my MIL. First book I have ever completed in TEN years, I think. Also want to complete my 2011 smash book and stay up to date on my Smash book of 2012. I would like to make it to crop or scrap night once a month, minus the summer. I would like to make more mini albums. I would like to take a Dear Lizzy on- line class. I want to loose 15 more lbs and not gain them all bak during December, which seems to be the reoccurring habit! I want to organize every room in my house...I get it... Pace myself. I want to take a photography class. I want to be a better friend. I want to say NO, and not feel bad. I want to be less angry over things I can't control and accept the choices I have made. I want to stay connected with people but with less Facebook. I realize this is far from 365 but...I'll get there and will update with pictures. I hope ths thing starts realizing I do have stored files :). Oh also ...want to make my blog better, with buttons and try to make an entry tale at every other day!!

Welcome Deena to blogging block!!

Thank you Deena for re joining my blog. Deena is a busy bee herself, not only is she a full time working mom of two great girls, she is a very talented card maker and scrapbooker!! Her cards and stamping ability are amazing!! So please hop on over to find out what projects and adventures she is working on today!! Enjoy!!

Welcome Polly to the block!!

Thanks for following my blog, again!! Yay!! I happen to stumble across Polly's blog a few years ago, it's very funny& a good read. She is a very busy, working mommy of two adorable boys, who are often topic of cute conversation!! So please join me in welcoming a very fun gal from down under and hop on over and check out ow she handles the everyday!! Thanks again Polly! Oh how I missed your blog!

Friday, January 13, 2012

If you could, what would you tell your 16 yr old self?

I am not really one who watches morning shows anymore, 4 years ago was a different story, but these days my morning viewing hours are taken up getting kids ready to go to school, welcome little ones into my home and then driving all of them to the different school they need to be at. But this morning I turned the tv on, still on the channel from last night, and there was the Today show, and I noticed Donnie Duetch (sp) I used to love his show on CNN, and there was Star Jones...ok I'll bite, you got 1 minute before I flip. The segment was ask the pro's or something like that... I made it in time to hear them weigh in on the topic should obse people pay more, as suggested by an airline CEO recently... Ok I like your got one more minute. The segment was nearing the end, so in reality they only had a minute :) The closing question was... What would you tell your 16 year old self if you could... Star said, I would tell myself to take better care of yourself, eat better exercise and beware of heart disease it's the number 1 killer of Women, it almost gets us!! Great answer! Donny says, don't be afraid of anything, don't let fear tand in your way, the boogeyman is never as scary as we think he is! Another great answer!! The other idea who she is...she says don't listen to anyone who tells you. You can't! It's your life be as many things you want to be! Go around them, go over them but never let them block you!! Wow, great answers! Honestly, if only we did think we knew everything at 16, this is great information! So the inspiration for my topic was brought to you by chance and I think it's a great topic...side note this would make a great book, ask the top 100 successful people, all genres of success, what would you tell yourself @ 16, if you could. I'd buy that book! So friends my question to you today...What Would You Tell Your 16 Year Old Self, If You Could? My answer: Just remember, it's ok to say NO, there is no need to feel like you need to please or accommodate everyone. A welcome mat you are not!! Also...Believe in Karma!! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Welcome to my Canadian BFF

Thanks for joining my blog Nicole!! Nicole isnt just a friend, she is family! She is an amazing person and I am truly blessed to have her in our life!! She is a talented scrapbooker, card designer. She is a huge sports fan and loves life and all it has to offer. Please hop on over to her blog, give her some love and tell her, Laura sent'cha!! Enjoy!

Welcome to my American BFF

I would like to welcome the amazing Corrie Hanson to blog!!! My dear friend is a strong gal, she is a hard worker, the most honest person I have ever met! She has a big heart and though 6.5 hours down I29 separate us, I love the time I get with her and she is never more than a thought away!! She has been in the thick of it and has rose above this past year and is looking forward to future, she always has great quotes and antidotes and did I mention she is very wise... So stop on by her blog... Tell her Laura sent'cha!!

Welcome to the block Brandy!!

Thanks for following my blog! Let me introduce you to a Close To My Heart rep, blogger, pie and salsa -- yummy-- chef and distributor and friend!! Brandy is the CTMH rep, they all strive to be, she is super successful and skilled!! She is always giving of herself and is one of the most amazing people I have encountered in a long while!! Please hop on over and pay her blog a visit tell her, Laura sent'cha!! Thanks again friend!! I will miss the crops...deeply this year!! Bring on 2013 and goals achieved so I can come again :)

Pay It Forward

Well for some reason...this entry got deleted! So I will make another attempt to re create the master piece I had two minutes ago... :) This year my family has decided to pay it forward. This idea was brought up by my oldest daughter, Katrina. She was one of the lucky Manitoban students who got to attend WE DAY. After that day, her mind set changed, she changed. She gives me hope that the world of tomorrow, will be just fine :) So after discussion, we all decided to pick a charity each month and save our pocket change, and take $20, from our very limited entertainment ($100/mth) budget and donate it to the charity of the month. But paying it forward is not only about donations and $$$ , they need your time aswell. So to just give a bit more each month, we have also planned to volunteer at different organizations around the city too!! This is such a great way to give back and have real quality time with your family, without costing a lot!! It's a soul tune up, something we all need once and awhile. I have learned as I get older, the world is not about ME, it is about We. We need to set an example and show the good in the world, it s US raising the future generation! So if you are reading this and are like me, Truly Blessed ... Then take a chance, give of yourselves and be the change you want to see in the world!! It just takes one...idea,step,action!! I challenge you today, go out do a Random Act of Kindness, then come back and share with me...we all need a warm fuzz on cold days like this :)

Trimming The Fat...

It's that time of the year again, when people examine their life and look to the future and at the magic strike of midnight, on Jan 01 of any given year, we set goals,resolutions and do-overs. We here at The Cayer house we are no different. We have set 4 monetary goals as a family this year, which means giving up things we love like take out, concerts, Fargo wknds, Winter trips, shopping, just to name a few. But we are trying to each our girls along with ourselves about the Big Picture, getting what you want and not getting into debt to get it. Our daughter is nearly 13, and was obviously on the same destructive financial path as we have been on for many now pay later, reconsolidate. It's a nasty circle to feel comfortable living in. After a few sleepless nights, I realized it was time to make a change and along with setting a good example for our kids We Will Be Finacially Responsible this year. So I went over statements after statements, found our weaknesses, and started to think of a plan. I am a big fan of the envelope system, after bills are accounted for, the rest of the money is transferred to different accounts, my electronic envelopes, and dispensed by needs and priorities. I hope to have two credit cards, a personal loan and 1/2 of 2013 Vacation money saved or paid off! Without really sacrificing happiness. We have lived to excess and have not fully enjoyed the basic comforts of home in many years. We are settling in in for a slow down, pay down kinda year!! Good luck to you with your goals for 2012! If you have any great tips, free activities or great deals, please feel free to post here, I think we all love a good deal!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Last night, we celebrated not only my parents Anniversary, but we celebrated my mom's birthday!! She was spoiled again!! My dad got her her IPod touch, she was so cute, asking my 13 year old all about it!! I'm am sure she will be face timing her very soon!! So my parents ordered in yummy Indian food from the Water Lily!! Highly recommend, if you enjoy Indian food, this was very yummy! My mom and my youngest both have food allergies and they worked with our list of no no's which in include, all nuts, potatoes,eggplant and tomatoes. So a big Thank you to the Water Lily in St.Vital, not only was your food delish, you were very accommodating! Happy Birthday Mom! I hope you enjoy your day!!

What are you reading...

I was given this book yesterday by a friend who, normally would not read this type of book. She loved it, thought I might enjoy as well. I noticed it was by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, I really enjoyed The Nanny Diaries, so I figured...Why not! I would gladly add a picture, but apparently the photo upload doesnt believe I have any saved images so... Will add later! I am reading.... DEDICATION by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. Enjoying so far!! I'll keep up posted!!

FUDE for thought...

We recently went to FUDE resturant in Osborne Village. I love the Village, so just being there the resturant was already in bonus point range! I was so excited, dinner @ 8pm, like real adults at a resturant that doesnt offer a kids menu with crayons!! Only to be disappointed, we all had to pre order, so we scrolled the online menu, to find everything a little pricey, but I hear it's worth it. So I choose Tapas so Kevin and I can try a few great items and rally get a feel for the food. I love Tapas for that reason! So, nearly every couple, if not all had to re look at the menu, due to items no longer being offered. If you are going to insist on pre ordering...ensure your web menus are up to date! So ok, no biggie re ordered. Out comes our Crostini salads, general opinion at the table who had this salad was... It was heavily dressed and kinda gross! Next came our substituted item, Soup of the Sea, wanted toba'chetta. Soup was Delish, good value for the amount of "sea" in each bowl. Ok back on track, out comes the tapas...can't wait! First our Pickerel cakes...there is only 3, since when is 3 a tapas number? Try them...Yummy! Too bad there is only 3 :). Next we try the signature dish, the birthday boy has been raving about the Chili Chocolate Chicken, so we try it....meh...kinda dry, don't really get the hoopla!! Not only was the food over priced for the portion sizes, the drink prices are kinda crazy! 4 drinks was nearly $40, are you kidding? This is not NYC :) Also, don't love that you pre tip my bill at 18%, but it worked out for us, because we usually tip better than that!! So, would I choose FUDE again...NO, but if another celebration was hosted there, I would give it a second chance. There is my FUDE for thought!

Welcome to the block Tara!!!

Thanks for the follow my friend!  Great Having you here, Its good to be back!!  I forgot how much I loved blogging, perhaps it's the onlt time I can drown on about myself and no one can ignore me...they just hit next blog. :)   Please stop by Tara LeClaire's blog, she has lots of fun going on over there!!  She is also a pretty talented scrapbooker and is up on lots of the latest trends!  Stop by, tell her Laura sent'cha!   Later gator!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome To the block Nola!!

I want to welcome Nola, thanks for being a "joiner". Please stop by Nola's blog, she is a very talented paper artists, I can't just define her by one medium or style, she's into everything...and it's all Fabulous!! Thanks again!!

Back to Normal....

Good Morning!! Well yesterday was the first day of School and activities, I don't know about you, but I LOVE routine. I just feel better and I feel we are a smooth running machine when we are on track. Life is too busy to fly by the seat of our pants :). That's what my early twenties were for. Today is my parents 37th wedding Anniversary, seems like just yesterday I planned their 20th surprise party. A friend of mine posted a great quote today on her FB (Facebook) page, "A marriage cannot survive on leftovers, it continually needs to be fed, or it will eventually starve" John C. Maxwell. This is just a simple yet perfect way to describe any relationship, but especially a marriage. So often we forget to nurture and give ourselves to that relationship, it often hits the back burner to focus on the other relationships we have. This very smart pal of mine also once quoted or said, "the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother with all his heart". I just love that thought. What a great example to show your children what love truly is and surround those in. I feel we all benifit from a loving set of parents, it builts strong foundations and as quirky as my parents marriage is sometime, they truly love each other from the bottom of their hearts and if 37 years doesn't prove what love it then ths quote from my dad does... Let me set the scene, I throw on a quick load of laundry, adjusted the load size to small, I mention this to my dad, so he knows I did it, I case I forget to change it back...he says to me " oh great! If you forget, hour mom's gonna blame me. Then I'll get it". So being the good daughter...I quickly tell my mom what I did, she was all, "oh ok, no worries, thanks for telling me". Then my dad shakes his head...and chuckles. I then say, " see dad, I got your back". He then replies "it's ok, I don't mind when she gets mad at me, it's proof she still loves me". Again I did say quirky, yet successful marriage!! Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Well... In baaack!

Well it's been awhile... My other blog was hacked and life just got too busy but I am back and we are under construction... Bear with me :)